Governance, Environment,
It’s our responsibility.
As a responsible company, AirBoss is committed to the protection of the environment, the health and safety of our employees, customers, and the community where we work and live, and to fulfilling our compliance obligations. We recognize that the activities of our business cannot be separated from the impact on the natural environments in which we operate. AirBoss believes that it is every employee’s responsibility to be committed to the protection of the environment and general environmental responsibility. Further demonstrating our commitment to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) responsibility, AirBoss has adopted a corporate sustainability policy to help all employees, investors, and customers clearly understand our stance, commitment, and the standards to which we are all held.
Pollution Prevention
and Waste Reduction
Our goal is to minimize the environmental impact of our operations and to strive for continual improvement in our facility operations, processes, products and environmental management systems, in order to enhance our environmental performance and bring sustainable social and ecological benefits wherever possible.

Above and beyond just meeting regulatory and governmental compliance requirements, environmental impacts are reviewed throughout the whole life cycle of the products produced by AirBoss: from the design phase where all raw materials and processes are evaluated for their environmental impact, to the recycle, reuse, and reduce efforts of all materials in its facilities, environmental responsibility is an integral consideration of how AirBoss operates.
At AirBoss of America we are not just good corporate citizens. We view ourselves as stewards of this planet and plan to play whatever role we can in leaving our corner of the world better, cleaner and more sustainable. Our class leading efforts in utilizing sustainably grown natural rubber as well as recycled rubber from end of life tires has played a key role in our drive for environmental stewardship. With the support of our employees and shareholders we leverage this desire to lead and not follow into a sustainable future for our children and grandchildren.
– Chris Bitsakakis, President & COO
By striving for continuous improvement in its facility operations, processes, and products, AirBoss progresses every day in minimizing impacts to the environment and brings about social and ecological benefits for its employees, its shareholders, its customers, and the communities in which it operates.