For the live broadcast of the quarterly town hall meeting
The timeframe was tight, with the host, President, and COO Chris Bitsakakis and featured speaker, Chairman, and CEO Gren Schoch arriving just an hour before broadcast time. Along with the hosts, were EVP and General Counsel Chris Figel and Vice President of Human Resources, Morris Eddy, all in attendance for the live event.
Streamed live and addressing questions from the “in-Studio” audience, as well across the organization via Teams, the broadcasted townhall continued the idea of taking these events virtual to keep the AirBoss family connected and informed.
After the successful broadcast, members of the AirBoss leadership toured the facility to see some of the great work being done at Acton Vale, taking time to help out and take some pics along the way.
Keeping in touch with all areas of the organization is a great way to keep on the pulse of the achievements and needs of the teams across the organization, making us all more productive and a part of the #AirBossFamily.

Afterward, the AirBoss leadership team took a tour of the facility with Executive Vice President, Yvan Ambeault. Walking the plant, they were able to meet some of our team members that are working on some of our products which are enjoying high demand and observe upgrades and improvements to the plant and its operations.
As we closed the curtain on another successful broadcast, we look forward to maintaining these communications and adding the faces, voices, and location of Acton Vale to the AirBoss of America, Townhall broadcast series.